Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Elecotral College blog post

I believe that the electoral college should still be the way we vote for our leaders, but I also believe that it does need to change. It gives rights to people but in large ways sometimes, take them away.
I do agree with the electoral college having the 270 out of 538 vote in the president elections but the electors should not be able to choose their own candidate, I believe that they need to go by the popular vote of the states citizens because if the electors can randomly choose their candidates that would be denying the rights of the citizens in that state. For instance of presidents chosen by the electoral college and not the people is George Bush (2000-2008). He won both terms by the electoral college's votes, look what he has done to our country, and other countries around the world! But i must think to myself, there are at least slight flaws in every form of government so the electoral college still follows that simple fact of humanitarian life.
Now for the good parts of the electoral college when it represents the peoples rights. it give each and every state equal representation instead of popular vote where states like California would have their votes overthrow Wyoming's. Also the electoral college knows what their states needs so if they are representing their citizens and not their own vote they will vote for what their citizens want, and what their citizens need over their opinion.
Overall I believe that the electoral college is a exceptional way to elect our leaders, even though it has its flaws on peoples rights, which I hope to correct those flaws to make the electoral college an already great thing even more great. :D

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